Reflections on My Poetry; my writings Vol. 1

 Quarantine has been full of surprises. One of which has been a newfound love of writing poetry. I had always considered myself a songwriter - not a poet- but lately I’ve been able to do some writing of both. There’s something freeing about the spoken word and making combinations of words that can evoke emotions, paint pictures, and have drive and rhythm.

Never in a million years would I have ever thought of writing poetry myself. I go through phases where reading it bores me and phases that I can’t get enough. When I am in the mood, T.S. Eliot, Robert Frost, and Maya Angelou are my go-to’s. 

Lately writing poetry has been a way of both shining a light on the darkness of life and also revealing and illuminating the beauty and joy of it as well.  Much of my poetry borders on the darker side, but I assure you, I’m okay. I find inspiration and creativity in struggle. Those who know me well know that I don’t shy away from a little drama :). I also find a lot of inspiration and metaphor in nature, and i like to write uplifting things too! Over the next few weeks I’m excited to share both old and new poems that I have written!  I hope that one or two may inspire you or connect with you and your life experience in some way! 

For each poem, I'll give a description of what it's about or what it means to me if I feel it's needed. For most you will also find a Sound Cloud audio link.  Even though it's poetry, I'm still a musician, and much of what I write flows best when heard or spoken! I hope you enjoy!


The Day After

The Day After Audio Link 

 This straightforward poem is about how it feels after having an anxiety or panic attack.  My friends and I describe the feeling after anxiety subsides as an "anxiety hangover." 

The day after

Smashed. Broken. Flattened. 

Still tired but I can't sleep

No tears to fall

No thoughts left to think

Exposed. Unsure. Exhausted. 

The day after

Name-calling temptation threatens self inflicted pain

Unnecessary -you are normal.

The only way out is through

This is the truth. Breathe.

Deep breaths heal

Deep breaths hurt

The day after

No new answers, no new signs

But it's easier, simpler - the other side.

The feeling-it passes

The day after becomes a new day

A good day.


And it's okay.

Earth Child

This one poured out of me after I got home from my big trip out West.  I got home and just wanted to spend every second outdoors - being inside just made me feel trapped.  There's no audio for this one as my own voice just doesn't capture the right feeling!


Ride the wind, Earth-child

Made from clay but meant to fly

Ride the wind, Earth-child...

soar and fall through depths and peaks

pushing you up farther than you've dreamed

dropping you and catching you as you scream


Ride the wind, Earth-child...

Made of clay but meant to fly

Ride the wind, Earth-child...

 though the air may sting as it hits your face

Soar. Tumble. With a a powerful gale or a gentle kiss 

Ride the wind. 

Let it take you where you've never been.


Release your feet from the ground.  



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