Reflections on Term Limits and Decline of Democracy (Whew, what a title!!)
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“And 52 days from now we’re going to win Nevada, and we’re
going to win four more years in the White House. And then after that we’ll
negotiate, right? ‘Cause we’re probably, based on the way we’ve been treated,
we’re probably entitled to another four years after that.” - Donald Trump
I haven’t truly studied American law, politics, or the US government since high school. But I do consider myself educated and well informed. And that paragraph, spoken on September 12th, 2020 in Douglas County Nevada, scares me.
It scares me as an American who was taught and raised to believe that two term limits decrease power, prevent dictatorships, and secure a fair and democratic system. Reading that sent me into a spiral of thoughts of “that’s it, it’s happening. America’s democracy is over. It’s gonna be WW2 all over again, but worse”
Caveat. This nation has many faults. We have a dark past of using and abusing people to get what we want. Our history is full of manifest destiny, entitlement, and greed. But along with the darkness, our nation has also been a beacon of light. From the darkness came the ideals that we don’t have to follow in the sins of our fathers. Our nation can be a nation of freedom for all, a rest for the weary. It’s right there on one of our most beloved national monuments. “Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free. The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me. I lift my lamp beside the golden door!” I could write post and post on various reflections stemming from those words alone!!! For now I will say that although we have failed at holding that light, our idealism still rings true. And the spirit of the true America still lives in those that work tirelessly to provide for and care for the weak, the vulnerable, the oppressed, and those that want more from their lives– providing a path to the way out and the American Dream – the idea that it doesn’t matter what your background, as an American, your goals ARE possible.
Now, To say there is a lot of arguing right now about what it means to be an American is an understatement. But, I’ve already gone enough off topic….
Our Democracy is one of the things that makes the American Dream even possible. Could it be in jeopardy??? That’s my fear. So, after reading about these third term comments, I had questions. My top two: “Is this as bad as it sounds?” and “Has this happened before?”
The answers I’ve come with are “Maybe” and “Yes. “
§ In 1872 after Ulysses S Grant’s (R) second election, the republican party talked about him running for a third term, but the idea was dropped as Grant’s public opinion faded. He did however, run for a non-consecutive third term in 1880 and lost to Garfield.
§ Theodore Roosevelt (R) became president in 1901 following McKinley’s assassination. He completed that partial term and a full second term. He didn’t run for a third (second full) consecutive term, but he did run again in 1912 and lost to Woodrow Wilson.
§ Wilson, (D) wanted a third term and asked to be nominated for the 1920 election. Democratic party leaders instead gave the nomination to James Cox who lost.
§ Franklin Roosevelt (D) was elected in 1933. Approaching the 1940 election, he stated he would run for a third term only if “drafted” by delegates, as he didn’t want to be seen as breaking precedent. I’ll leave opinion to if that was a political ploy to appear noble out of this. He did however, have plans for his retirement. He was put on the ballot and won decisively. He stated that the war in Europe was the reason for breaking this precedent. Roosevelt run again and was elected to a fourth term. Even though he was beloved by many, this was not without opposition and fear of dictatorship even then. His opponent stated, “Four terms, or 16 years is the most dangerous threat to our freedom ever proposed.” Roosevelt died 82 days into his fourth term.
As a consequence to these four terms, the proposal for the 22nd amendment was born. Proposed then in 1947 and only ratified in 1951 (my parents were three years old already. That blows my mind) , the 22nd amendment imposed term restrictions on presidents to two terms.
I’ll be honest; I’m surprised it was that recent. I remember I loved learning about FDR in school, but if he was in office NOW seeking four terms I’d be horrified. I’ve grown up with the notion that two terms is crucial to American democracy. And the fact that we spent so many hundreds of years without needing it to be law is pretty cool. I’m glad the 22nd amendment exists now. I agree. Limit terms to limit power. Keep the system of checks and balances in play.
As scary is it to now think of a president who wants to ignore the 22nd Amendment, Trump isn’t the first president to suggest that it should be repealed. Truman (D), Reagan (R), Clinton (D), and now Trump (R) have all criticized it and/or suggested it should be repealed. It’s been brought to congress twice (though very quickly unsuccessfully)
So, even though ALLLLLLL my spidey senses are tingling and I’m inclined to feel my country is falling apart, truth is we’ve been here before and we’ve survived. Truth is both democrats AND republicans have sought and/or wanted third terms and we haven’t fallen into a dictatorship quite yet. So there is still hope.
However, post the ratification of the 22nd amendment, no one has actually tried it. If Trump wins a second term, I wouldn’t put it past him… and the thing that makes it scary now is that in the other president’s cases, their decision to run again ran against precedent. NOT the constitution. IF he IS serious about the third term, what other parts of the constitution would he be willing to repeal??
So the jury is out. I hold my breath. This isn’t the post to analyze Donald Trump’s actions and attitude as president, Media involvement, or the crises we have faced under his time as president, but I hope those posts will come soon.
Keep your chins up America.
Let’s be the kind of Americans that we want both our great grandparents and great grandchildren to be proud of.
Thanks for reading.
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